#Ageeb1999 #StopDeportation #RefugeesWelcome #RFCampH 28 #Refugees from #protestcampHannover in #HungerStrike #against the #deportation of #SalahAbdallah
#RefugeeCampH #WeißeKreuzPlatz #DoSolidarity #Hannover #Abschiebung
If the memory of German people was not totally erased, can remember the hundreds of news and reports about war and conflict in Sudan, from their own Medias by their own military.
Right now exactly those people from that news and reports make a protest camp in Hannover in last weeks. We are here in Germany since years. Escape from the war, run from a country to another to stay alive, profiled by the german policy system, isolated in lagers, discriminated in offices and get Terror with deportation.