
Das Tor Projekt braucht Deine finanzielle Solidarität

Ja, Du bist gemeint. Schön das Du diesen Text liest. Deine Solidarität ist gefragt. Für Deine Privatsphäre. Für Deine IT Sicherheit. Gegen Big Data. Gegen die internationale, staatliche Repression. Insbesondere hier auf Indymedia. Dafür ist das Medium gegründet worden. Um emanzipatorisch zu sein und den Faschisten unseren organisierten Widerstand spüren zu lassen.

Mit dem Tor Browser, ist es sicherer Indymedia zu besuchen. Jede sichere, Technik der Verschlüsselung muss weiterentwickelt werden. Für regelmäßige und sichere Updates. Mittels Deiner Spende bist Du solidarisch zu Dir selber. Du spendest lediglich Buchgeld, wir erledigen alles weitere. Du brauchst nur noch die Version Deines Tor Browser zu aktualisieren. Wie jede Software.


Der Tor Browser ist ein internationales Projekt.

Wer etwas gegen den Tor Browser und seine Server hat ist Nordkorea, Russland, Weißrussland, Tschetschenien, China, Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi-Arabien und Co. Was die miteinander gemeinsam haben ist der Faschismus und der Antisemitismus. Obendrein der tödliche Hass auf die Regenbogen Bewegung. Selbst normative Frauen ermorden diese.

Deshalb bleibt der Schutz ein Bedürfnis. Bitte gebt so viel wie ihr könnt. Jeder Euro zählt. Gerade in den Zeiten von heißen und hybrider Kriegsführung aus dem Osten der Weltkarte. Oftmals gegen uns als Ziel. Die Trolle der Faschisten sind bereits unter uns.

Ein Dank an alle, welche dem Tor Projekt eine Spende zukommen lassen.

Help Smash Tor Bugs!



Smashing Tor Bugs in 2022

Last year, your support of the Bug Smash Fund helped us solve 241 tickets related to Tor bugs and maintenance.

From smashing bugs related to anti-censorship features for censored users, resolving issues in Tor Browser, and conducting sysadmin maintenance, to squashing bugs on the network, resolving errors on metrics.torproject.org, and making documentation updates, you've powered the behind-the-scenes work that keeps Tor safe and strong.

If we assume each closed ticket required just 30 minutes of work to fix the bug, you made 120 hours (about one month) of Tor improvement work possible.

Today, we need your help to smash more bugs.

In 2022, we've been hard at work. Connection Assist in Tor Browser 11.5 has made it much easier for people to route around censorship against Tor. User support channels on Telegram, and in Russia, have expanded Tor access in places where its desperately needed. Onion service admins have received new DoS protections for their services. Congestion control has arrived in Tor Browser stable. Arti 0.5.0 has brought more stability to our Tor re-write in Rust. These improvements need maintenance over time—and keeping these tools running smoothly is just as critical as building new features.

This year, we must raise $75,000 to ensure we can smash Tor bugs and conduct needed maintenance.

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Help Smash Tor Bugs!

by alsmith | August 1, 2022
Smashing Tor Bugs in 2022

Last year, your support of the Bug Smash Fund helped us solve 241 tickets related to Tor bugs and maintenance.

From smashing bugs related to anti-censorship features for censored users, resolving issues in Tor Browser, and conducting sysadmin maintenance, to squashing bugs on the network, resolving errors on metrics.torproject.org, and making documentation updates, you've powered the behind-the-scenes work that keeps Tor safe and strong.

If we assume each closed ticket required just 30 minutes of work to fix the bug, you made 120 hours (about one month) of Tor improvement work possible.

Today, we need your help to smash more bugs.

In 2022, we've been hard at work. Connection Assist in Tor Browser 11.5 has made it much easier for people to route around censorship against Tor. User support channels on Telegram, and in Russia, have expanded Tor access in places where its desperately needed. Onion service admins have received new DoS protections for their services. Congestion control has arrived in Tor Browser stable. Arti 0.5.0 has brought more stability to our Tor re-write in Rust. These improvements need maintenance over time—and keeping these tools running smoothly is just as critical as building new features.

This year, we must raise $75,000 to ensure we can smash Tor bugs and conduct needed maintenance.

Last year, the average Bug Smash Fund donor gave $60. Can you help keep Tor users safe from bugs and connected to the open internet with a donation of $60? Without Tor, many of our users would not have a safe option for getting online. Helping us smash bugs keeps Tor's most vulnerable users safe, like this user from Turkey:

What I can get with Tor, I could not get anywhere in [else] in Turkey: information, news, banned articles, and much more... I couldn't safely [use the] internet without Tor. - Anonymous Tor User

Every donation made to the Tor Project in the month of August will go towards the Bug Smash Fund.

Make your contribution today and keep Tor strong. Thank you!

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