
Hertz im Visier. Für Dimitris Koufontinas!

Ein großer Revolutionär geht seinen letzten Weg. Er geht ihn erhobenen Hauptes und mit dem ultimativen Ziel vor Augen, die Unterdrücker*innen und Ausbeuter*innen zu besiegen. Dimitris, wir werden an Dich erinnern.

Solidarity actions with D. Koufontinas

Acts of solidarity with comrade Koufontinas have been taking place all over the world in recent days: Dimitri Koufontinas is on hunger strike since January 8 and his health conditions are now critical.

The Greek state is letting the comrade die. The revenge of the state continues.

Dimitris Koufontinas is not alone, he has at his side all the fighters who take sides against state and capitalist barbarities.

We send our total solidarity to the rebel hunger strike Dimitris Koufontina with solidarity actions today (February 3) on the occasion of the third Panhellenic day in solidarity with the comrade's hunger strike.


D. Koufontinas im Hungerstreik: Forderung nach Solidaritäts Maßnahmen

Nachrichten aus Griechenland: Aufruf zu solidarischen Aktionen mit Dimitri Koufontinas

Dimitris Gesundheit wird immer schlechter, Ärzte sagen, er könnte sterben oder ins Koma fallen.

Mehr denn je ist es wichtig, Koufontinas und allen griechischen Genossen, die sich in den letzten Monaten in einem stark repressiven Klima befinden, das es schwierig macht, auf die Straße zu gehen, Solidarität und Unterstützung zu zeigen.

Wir zeigen den griechischen Genossen Unterstützung bei Aktionen in Solidarität mit Dimitri Koufontinas!

TIME IS RUNNING OUT - Solidarity with Dimitri Koufontinas

Urgent update on the situation of Dimitri Koufontinas, on hunger strike since January 8. His decision to undertake this form of protest is a consequence of his transfer, which took place at the beginning of January, from the rural prison of Kassevetia to that of Domokos. The days of hunger strike are now many, he is 64 years old and this is the fifth hunger strike he has undertaken since he is in prison (2002). He is in Lamia hospital, he is unconscious for most of the day. Doctors say that at any moment he could have a sudden collapse and die or go into a coma.


Given the situation of very high repression that the Greek country is experiencing at the moment, with the objective difficulty of taking to the streets, the Greek comrades believe that now more than ever would be very important to take actions in solidarity in other countries.


Let us join the Greek comrades to put pressure on the executive and the prison administration.

koufontinas abonnieren