Much has happened in the last few weeks , the police repression and its
aftermath have left marks in the political life of the collective
center (koZe).Currently the collective center ( koZe) is going through a structural change so far having the
working title " koZe goes collective refugee Welcome Center "We will continue to provide space for emancipatory , neighborly and
creative ( self-) organization. Let the signs of the time, the
repressive EU border regime , criminalization of migrant movements
and racist attacks show us, there is an urgent need of space in which
refugees and supporters can organize themselves.Important practical refugee supportis already running at koZe (which needs always support, come by!!!).
The koZe is part of the network Refugees Welcome St. Georg, providing support for travelling refugees, such as
food , laundry and showers.
For more than half a year, there are german courses three
times a week. There is a freeshop in which people can stock up on clothing, shoes or other useful items of daily life.
A lot of different groups are working in koZe offering support and advices for refugees.We want to work together to expand , to create a nodal point to build up
further opportunities . We understand this process and its
consequenses as a political counter-proposal to the daily shit and
therefore we up to pushing it through. We want to fight Fortress
Europe , reasons of escape, the awful german
welcome-culture-hypocrisy, the daily racist life and open outcropping
Nazi structures. We want networks and to organize in bases and force
political struggles.We want safer spaces. We want spaces for people to met and cook, to have
exchange across linguistic barriers and the possibility of legal
advice. The idea is to have a sleeping-places-network, Internet with
access to Skype, seminars and workshops, infoevents, demonstration
arrangements and a new info-café, which can be used by everyone.
To reduce language barriers and to create a basis for discussions and
information exchange, there will be simultaneous translation
equipment and hopefully many interpreters. The aim is also to support
self-organization of refugee women by providing spaces and times of
So,here is a lot to do and think. Comes along, be in solidarity and
lets unite to be able to act together again.
In solidarity, from the koZe !!