Don’t let Siemens off the hook

Siemens’ annual general meeting last week left us in no doubt that we need to fight harder than ever to stop the climate-wrecking Jawa 9 and 10 coal power project in Indonesia. Siemens is hoping to help finance this project, threatening Indonesian communities and our shared climate. Not only did Siemens’ CEO Joe Kaeser and Chairman Jim Snabe cut short people who flew all the way from Australia to the AGM to raise the impacts of the Adani Carmichael coal mine in Australia, including the destruction of Wangan and Jagalingou traditional Aboriginal lands and culture, they ignored questions from an Indonesian campaigner about Jawa 9 and 10 and the horrendous air pollution this coal power plant will inflict on his home city of Jakarta.

We’re not going to let Siemens’ stonewall us. We’re going to keep pushing on Siemens and all the other banks that are going to try to fund this coal project. 

Help call out the bank that’s helping arrange financing for Jawa 9 and 10, so we can stop them from lending to the project

The Annual General Meeting for one of these banks, Singaporean DBS Bank, is just around the corner, at the end of March.  As the financial advisor to the project, DBS is critical to this power plant going ahead. The bank has a policy that prohibits financing any more coal power projects, but it's trying to slip a few more deals across the line.  We’re planning on attending the AGM to embarrass DBS into keeping its word, and want to present the CEO with your emails to remind him that the international community is paying attention. 

Tell DBS to keep its climate commitments and get out of the Jawa 9 and 10 coal project

Together we can stop companies like Siemens and DBS from fueling the climate crisis.

Bernadette, on behalf of Market Forces
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