<strong>B(A)D NEWS - Angry voices from arround the world - Episode 5 (10/2017)<strong>
This is the 5th episode of "B(A)D NEWS - Angry voices from arround the world", a news program from the international network of anarchist and antiautoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world.
You can find former episodes here:
The content of the current issue:
<strong>98fm<strong> (athens)
<cite>3:47,5 - 12:24,5<cite>
- syriza changes law
- attack on the french institute of athens
- harm of environment/ shipowner and gold mining
- law about the gender issue
- 15 years of prison because of self-defence
- attack against goethe institute of athens
- several actions of a anarchist group
<cite>12:25,0 - 23:18,0<cite>
- a collage a bout the anatrchist days 2017 in dresden (germany)
<strong>radio fragmata<strong> (athens)
<cite>24:17,0 - 31:30,0<cite>
-3 cases and the justice system of greece-
- the case of marios zervas
- the case of panagiotis z.
- and the case of a 22 year old girl who killed her rapist
<strong>105fm<strong (Mytilini)
<cite>31:30,5 - 35:17,5<cite>
-news from mytilini (lesvos island) and beyond-
- refugees
- transgender issue
- case of a rapist
<strong>the final straw<strong> (north carolina/usa)
<cite>36:36,5 - 48:02,0<cite>
- interview about the case of herman bell (-who is a beloved organizer and family member, a political prisoner clocking 44 years behind bars, former member of the black panther party. they spoke to his daughter in law, kihana ross, about recent developments in his case.)
<strong>bilda kedjor<strong (sweden)
<cite>50:12,5 - 53:18,5<cite>
- news from sweden about the antifascist mobilisation against the nazi demo that happend 30.09 in gothenburg
<strong>radio kurruf<strong> (chile)
<cite>53:24,0 - 58:59,0<cite>
- current struggle of political mapuche prisoners in chile
<strong> radio dissidentisland<strong> (london)
<cite>59:00,0 - 1:08:08,0<cite>
- update DSEI arms fair - week of action
- a portion of a debate on whether the sussian revolution should be celebrated
<strong>fqz A<strong>
<cite>1:09:07 - 1:14:28,0<cite>
- update about the repression and solidarity related to the protest against the g20 summit in hamburg
(episode in total 1:14:44)
Youcan listen and download the current edition here:
or you have a look here:
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