Solidarity with political prisoners of chilean police state
Spanish below
During the last few months we have seen how in the region dominated by the Chilean state, repression has acted brutally against those who have risen up against the democracy inherited from the Pinochet dictatorship. The police and army have not hesitated to shoot and kill demonstrators and then cover up their murders with crude staging. Deaths, mutilations, torture, rapes and beatings have been revealed to world public opinion, which has returned a lukewarm and politically correct response of rejection.
As anarchists we do not look for answers in their justice apparatuses, we do not believe nor want police, military and politicians in prison, as we despise prisons and understand them as one more link in the chain of tools used by Power to maintain the established order. We do not believe in their justice, we despise their justice. In the same way we respect the autonomy of the different individuals and insurrecting collectives that rise up in the Chilean territory. They will be the ones who know how to return the bullets, on henchman who unleashed frustrations in the diverse demonstrations against those who without fear, faced their weapons with stones, sticks and other magical devices that illuminated the streets.
By taking on the anarchic path, we reaffirm the struggle against prison as a fundamental pillar of our ideas, understanding solidarity as the genesis of our struggle.
Today the conflict in the Chilean region is not only fought in the streets, but also in the different prisons, where more than 2,500 political prisoners are locked up due to the demonstrations. Various irregularities in their investigation processes further prolong their preventive incarceration in addition to suffering harassment from prison guards.
We send our warmest greetings to those who continue to fight inside the prisons, to their families, friends and colleagues, to those who have fiercely organized themselves inside the cages under the accusing noses of the guards, and to those who day by day from outside of the walls stir up revolt and beat the bars of the extermination centers.
To the comrades of Module 14 of the Santiago 1 Jail/State, for facing with dignity another edge in the anarchic multiformity of the action.
Never humiliated, never defeated
Until we annihilate the last bastion of prison society... we are at war!
Political prisoners in the prisons of the capital to the streets!
Pelao Briones* to the streets!
*One of almost 3 thousand prisoners, waiting for a trial since 18th October 2019
Anarchic, antinational individuals
March, 2020
Durate los ultimos meses hemos visto como en la region dominada por el estado chileno la represion ha actuado brutalmente con quienes se han alzado en contra de la democracia heredada de la dictadura de Pinochet. La policia y ejercito no han dudado en disparar y asesinar a manifestantes para luego encubrir sus asesinatos con burdos montajes. Muertes, mutilaciones, tortura, violaciones y golpizas han sido reveladas ante la opinion publica mundial, quienes han devuelto una tibia y politicamente correcta respuesta de rechazo.
Como anarquistas no buscamos respuesta en sus aparatos de justicia, no creemos ni queremos policias, militares y politicos en prision, pues despreciamos las prisiones y las entendemos como un eslabon mas en la cadena de herramientas que utiliza el Poder para mantener el orden establecido. No creemos en su justicia, despreciamos su justicia. De igual manera respetamos la autonomia de lxs distintxs individuxs y colectividades insurrectas que se alzan en el territorio chileno, seran ellxs quienes sepan devolver las balas de cuantx esbirrx desato sus frustraciones en las diversas manifestaciones contra quienes sin temor se enfrentaron a sus armas con piedras, palos y otros magicos artefactos que iluminaron las calles.
Al asumirnos en la via anarquica, reafirmamos la lucha anticarcelaria como un pilar fundamental de nuestras ideas entendiendo la solidaridad como la genesis de nuestra lucha.
Hoy en dia el conflicto llevado a cabo en la region chilena no se libra solo en las calles, sino tambien en las distintas prisiones, donde se encuentran encerrados mas de 2.500 prisionerxs politicxs arrestadxs debido a las manifestaciones. Diversas irregularidades en sus procesos de investigacion prolongan mas aun sus encarcelamientos preventivos ademas de sufrir el hostigamiento de lxs guardias de las prisiones.
Enviamos un afectuoso saludo a quienes siguen luchando dentro de las carceles, a sus familias amigxs y compañerxs,a quienes con fiereza se han organizado dentro de las jaulas ante las narices acusadoras de lxs guardias y a quienes dia a dia desde afuera de los muros agitan la revuelta y golpean las rejas de los centro de exterminio.
A lxs compañerxs del Modulo 14 de la Carcel/estado Santiago 1, por enfrentar con dignidad otra arista en la multiformidad anarquica de la accion.
Nunca humillados,nunca derrotados
Hasta Aniquilar el ultimo bastion de la sociedad carcelaria… estamos en guerra!
Prisioneros politicos en las carceles del capital a la calle!
Pelao Briones*a la Calle!!!
*unx de lxs casi 3.000 en espera de un juicio tras el 18 de Octubre,2019.
Individualidades anarquicas antinacionales