In Solidarity with #H5Poland
On January 28. the #H5 case started. Five comrades are currently being charged in front of the court in Hajnówka (Poland) for providing humanitarian aid on the Polish-Belarusian border. They are facing up to five years of prison with the accusation of helping people who “illegally” crossed the polish border.
We send greetings from Germany to our comrades in these times! For years, European states have been trying to criminalize solidarity work by no-border structures, to raise the fences and thus further restrict the living conditions of refugees. But we will not be intimidated by their repression - we will stand together and continue to fight: against the murderous borders and the world, the nation states and imperialism that protect them. For a world in which we do not have to flee from poverty, political persecution and war, but live equally in global cooperation and freedom. Solidarity with #h5!
More informations about the case on: