Attack against Municipal Police Station in Pagkrati, Athens


We live in a period where it is not so easy to make demonstrations without beeing attacked by the cops. The reason is not to close the streets for the flow of commercial interests but it is also to spread fear in the society, the breaking of the solidarity that might grow out of collective moments of struggle and make us to helpless targets of their thirst of power. It does not matter the reason of the demonstration. It could be teachers, firefighters, anarchists. We live in a period where it could be dangerous to make a demonstration. Because we are few and the squads of the uniformed death regime are many.

In Exarchia the constant attacks on MAT stopped when we lost Polytechnio and Delta came back to the streets. The city of Athens seems full of cops and cameras. But our desire to watch the democratic facade breaking down is still alive.

In the end of another murderous year, where we saw a lot of executions of migrants in the borders, at the sea and the land, executions in the streets from the police, death in prisons, death from Covid because the regime prefers to give all the money to buy new toys for the uniformed forces, we decided to strike back with the few means that we own.

In the morning of 3rd December we broke with stones the facade of the Municipal Police in Pagkrati, Vinkelman Street. We hope the piece of trash inside to felt a little bit of the fear, which the same ones, spread everywhere. One of the reasons we chose the municipal police is a murder. On February 1st, 2013, immigrant street vendors in the neighbourhood of Thissio got chased off by the Athens municipal police. They trapped one of them in a corner, above the train rails. When the cops attempted to steal the worker’s merchandise, Babakar Ndiaye (38 years old from Senegal) fell onto the subway tracks from 7 meters high and died instantly. We will not forget and we will not forgive. We want to remember Babakar Ndiaye alive and we will not let his murderers forget what they did to him. Municipal police can also kill, and to give them weapons is a matter of time like in all the countries.

The new law on molotovs didn't make us afraid because anyway using molotov was a felony and when we have them, we will use them or police will not find them. We never carried molotovs and thinking that is a high charged crime.

The action we did wants to give a message. Beyond molotovs and guns you can find more easy means to attack to easy targets. Stones, in the street and towards targets are very good if you dont let your DNA on them. You don't have to carry them, you dont have to be very close to the target and plus to this, some time they create more damage to cops and materials than molotovs do. So, let's act as we can and use the means accordingly and as upgraded as possible but without every time to lose the chance for action. The city is big and targets are everywhere.

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