Einige Materialien zu den studentischen Protesten in Athen.
Der griechische Mainstream, aber auch progressive Medien haben einiges auf englisch zu den neuesten Protesten in Griechenland.
Einige Materialien auf englisch zu den studentischen Protesten in Athen.
Hier einige bereits auf englisch erschiene Materialien zur neuerlichen Repression gegen Studenten und Studentinnen in Athen. Eleftherotipía ist eine durchaus als progressiv zu bezeichnende Tageszeitung mit hohem, schnellem Informationswert. To Vima mehr bürgerlich, ebenso sehr informativ, Proto Thema eine Mischung aus machtnahem Boulevard und gelegentlich sehr ins Detail gehender Berichterstattung. Ekathimerini ist die englische, und sehr ausführliche, Ausgabe der machtnahen Tageszeitung Kathimerini.
EnetEnglish.gr, 09:21 Friday 14 November 2014
(englische Ausgabe von Eleftherotypia)
Riot police attack students outside Athens Polytechnic
Liberal use made of batons, stun grenades and tear gas
Video footage shows riot squad officers – who reportedly had given no prior warning to the students to disperse – chasing protesters, hitting them indiscriminately with batons, and spraying gas into a crowd of people they had cornered around the university entrance
Amid scenes of panic, riot police used batons, stun grenades and tear gas to attack hundreds students attempting to hold a protest meeting on the campus of Athens Polytechnic on Thursday night.
In a video filmed from a balcony on Stournari St, where students had managed to force open a side gate to the university, which reportedly had been locked on the orders of the rector, a detachment of MAT riot police can be seen attacking the demonstrating students as they approached the entrance at around 8pm.
The footage shows officers – who reportedly had given no prior warning to the students to disperse – chasing protesters, hitting them indiscriminately with batons, and spraying gas into a crowd of people they had cornered around the university entrance.
There were reports of about a dozen injuries. Witnesses said they saw photojournalist Giannis Liakos of InTime agency being stuck in the head with a baton by a riot policeman.
The students had planned to hold a general assembly to discuss events earlier in the day at Athens University, where riot police moved in to prevent the building being occupied ahead of Monday’s commemoration of the 1973 Polytechnic uprising which was bloodily suppressed by the junta.
Two students suffering injuries, one to the head and face, when riot police moved in on protesters who had gathered outside the university.
To Vima:
To Vima English, englische Ausgabe von TO BHMA („Die Tribüne“, http://www.tovima.gr/)
Police blocks students from entering Law School to avoid occupation
The students pushed back intended to occupy the building for the November 1973 student uprising
Thursday, November 13, 2014
The police was called out on Thursday morning at the Law School in the city center, in order to block access to a group of students, who were believed to have intended to occupy the building. Two students were injured during the clashes, one of whom was taken to a hospital for treatment.
The Rectorate of the University of Athens and Athens University of Economics and Business requested police assistance in order to ensure that the buildings were not occupied for the 17th November anniversary, as decided by student assemblies. The Technical University of Athens will be the only institution that will be open on Monday for the anniversary of the 1973 student uprisings.
Riot police units were stationed outside the building of the Law School and the University of Economics early on Thursday morning and had to use tear gas in order to disperse a crowd of students that was attempting to enter the buildings. About 7,000 police officers are expected to be deployed for the three-day student uprising celebrations.
The decision to contact the police is indicative of the intentions of the new Rector of the University of Athens, Mr. Theodoros Fortsakis, whose decisions have escalated tensions with students. Meanwhile, the administrative employees of the University of Athens will walkout today.
Students decide to occupy buildings
Earlier, on Wednesday, student assemblies of the Schools of Philosophy and Law decided to occupy the buildings, demanding the reappointment of the University of Athens’ administrative employees who have been suspended. The student assemblies also object to the Rector’s decisions regarding building security and the expulsion of “eternal students.
Similarly at the National Technical University of Athens, student assemblies at the Schools of Mechanical Engineering and the Rural and Surveying Engineering decided to shut down between the 14th and 17th of November. Many other schools outside of Athens have also carried out assemblies ahead of the 17 November anniversary. The School of Chemistry at the University of Patra had already occupied and after briefly reopening on Wednesday, students decided to close until Monday.
University of Athens: Administrative employees walkout on Thursday
The administrative employees are demonstrating against the government's suspensions and dismissals program
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
The administrative employees of the University of Athens have announced a walkout on Thursday 13th of November, which will come into effect at 11am and will last until the end of their shift.
Meanwhile, the administrative employees have arranged to gather outside the Ministry of Administrative Reform, where they will hold a protest with their colleagues at the Technical University of Athens.
The administrative employees are reacting against the coalition government’s suspension program and demand the reinstatement of their suspended colleagues.
Pan-Education demonstration to take place in Athens at noon
Tension increases ahead of the 17 November anniversary – Students occupy Rectorate in Thessaloniki
Friday, November 14, 2014
There is a tense climate in education lately, due to the precautionary lockout that the Rectors decided ahead of the celebrations of the 17 November anniversary.
Following the clashes with riot police outside the Law School and the Technical University in Athens on Thursday, students in Thessaloniki occupied the administration building at the University of Thessaloniki. According to preliminary reports, the students entered the administration building early on Friday morning, where the Rector’s office is located, and removed the security guards.
Meanwhile, many student unions and associations have called for mass participation in a pan-educational demonstration that has been scheduled for noon outside the Propylaea in down town Athens. The students denounce the “authoritarianism and police state”, in reference to police conduct on Thursday.
The administrative employees of the University of Athens are also participating in the demonstration and accuse the Rectors of shutting down the Schools and blocking student union decisions.
University professors have also announced that they will join the demonstration at Propylaea at 2pm, in response to the Ministry of Education’s plans regarding understaffed schools and the proposal to pay teachers with accreditation points.
The Dean of the School of Economics and Political Sciences has criticized the Rector of the University of Athens Theodoros Fortsakis for the presence of riot police units outside university buildings. The Dean stresses that the riot police officers violently pushed away students who were demonstrating peacefully, injuring some of them in the process.
Proto Thema, 13. 11.
Episodes outside Athens Polytechnic University between students and police
About 50 young people attempted to brake the entrance while the police made light use of tear gas and chemicals to prevent them from entering
Darunter Photos, aber auch Videos, z. B. über den unvermittelten Angriff der Polizei auf die Studenten
Proto Thema englisch (diese Artikel zu finden unter “Greece”)
Commemoration of Polytechnic anniversary begins with scuffles (photos + videos)
Posted by Newsroom in Greece, 14. 11.
Students broke the door and occupied the administration building of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki on Friday morning while scuffles were noted in Athens on Thursday
Darunter zu finden signifikante Photos mit Losungen!
Siehe auch: Fortsakis: “Victory of legality” (über die geplanten Zugangskontrollen), PTh, 1. 11., mit einigen Links
Drastisch auch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXMYYXMFNYY#t=11 (vom verdienstvollen links unten geholt)
(Kurzfilm, bürgerlich relativierend, realistisch und plakativ, Untertitel, didaktisch verwertbar)
Ekathimerini (http://www.ekathimerini.com/) ist die englische Ausgabe der sehr regierungskonformen Tageszeitung Kathimerini
University staff to stage protest on Thursday
Administrative staff at Athens university will stage a walkout between 11 a.m. and the end of their shift on Thursday.
Meanwhile, a protest has been planned Thursday outside the Ministry of Administrative Reform. The rally will be joined by staff at National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).
Staff are protesting a troika-imposed mobility scheme and demand the rehiring of colleagues who have been put in the scheme.
ekathimerini.com , Wednesday November 12, 2014 (11:53)
Athens University rectorate justifies lockdown
The rectorate of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens issued a statement Thursday with regard to its decision to halt access to university premises from Thursday to Monday.
According to the statement the decision was taken as a security measure in view of the upcoming commemoration of the November 17 student uprising against the Greek junta in 1973.
The Athens University rectorate noted that scheduled events had been cancelled after a careful assessment of the situation.
“Our sense of responsibility toward the university and the entire Greek state comes first,” the statement read.
A group of students clashed with riot police forces outside the university's law faculty on Thursday, after the former attempted to enter the premises.
ekathimerini.com , Thursday November 13, 2014 (15:37)
Students clash with riot police outside Athens University
Tensions rose outside the Athens University’s law faculty on Thursday after a group of about 40 students trying to enter the premises clashed with riot police forces.
This followed a decision by rector Theodoros Sfortsakis to close the university for five days starting late on Wednesday in view of the upcoming celebrations commemorating the student uprising against the military dictatorship on November 17, 1973. Fortsakis has banned student sit-ins during this time.
On Thursday government spokeswoman Sophia Voultepsi issued a statement warning students and political parties supporting student action, including opposition SYRIZA, that the law would be implemented at universities.
Earlier in the day, a statement by SYRIZA youth condemned the decision to close down the university.
ekathimerini.com , Thursday November 13, 2014 (10:26)
Tension at Athens universities ahead of anniversary
Police used stun grenades and tear gas in central Athens on Thursday night to disperse students protesting the decision to close universities in the capital several days ahead of the anniversary of the bloody November 17 uprising against the junta at Athens Polytechnic in 1973.
There was tension from the morning when students at Athens University found the doors closed and riot police guarding the institution. An attempt by the riot squad to move protesters who had gathered outside the university away from the building led to two students suffering injuries.
Kathimerini understands that university authorities had asked for the main building, as well as the Law School and the Athens University of Economics and Business, to be guarded from Wednesday night amid concern about students holding sit-ins to mark the November 17 anniversary. The buildings are to remain shut until Monday.
Students held several peaceful marches in the city center to protest the closures. However, riot police intervened in the evening when some students attempted to enter the grounds of the Technical University of Athens (the former Polytechnic) to hold a general assembly that had been called by student groups. They used batons and chemicals to force the students away from the building.
The day’s events also caused arguments in Parliament, where SYRIZA criticized the decision to close the universities. “This autocratic stance is a provocation toward our youth, the anti-dictatorial struggles and democracy,” said party spokesman Panos Skourletis.
“You are for terrorism, sit-ins and lawlessness,” responded New Democracy MP Costas Markopoulos.
ekathimerini.com , Thursday November 13, 2014 (22:32)
Amid rising tensions, students occupy Aristotle University administrative HQ
As tensions rise in Greek universities ahead of the November 17 anniversary marking the junta's bloody suppression of a student uprising, a group of students on Friday occupied the administrative faculty of Thessaloniki Aristotle University.
The students forced their way into the faculty and took over the area despite efforts by security guards to push them back.
The move comes amid rising tensions over troika-imposed education reforms. On Thursday, scuffles between police and students outside Athens University left two students injured and there were clashes when a group of students attempted to enter the grounds of the Technical University of Athens (the former Polytechnic) to hold a general assembly, prompting police to push them back with batons and chemicals.
Police order probe into injury of photojournalist outside university
Ekathimerini, 14. 11.
The Greek Police said on Friday that they have ordered an urgent investigation into reports that police officers injured a photojournalist during clashes in central Athens on Thursday that broke out amid rising tension ahead of the November 17 anniversary of a student uprising repressed by the military.
According to witness accounts posted on social media on Thursday evening, the reporter was injured during an attempt by students to open the entrance to the National Technical University of Athens (formerly the Polytechnic) on Stournari Street in the central district of Exarchia.
A large police presence had been dispatched to Exarchia on Thursday evening and there were reports of some officers using violence to push back students
ekathimerini.com , Friday November 14, 2014 (12:51)
Das waren mit Ausnahme von Eleftherotipía möchte ich sagen, die wichtigsten bürgerlichen Medien, die, so ähnlich wie das hervorragende Ha´aretz oder die weniger hervorragende, aber detailreiche Jerusalem Post, über die entsprechenden MITTEL verfügen, auch selektive Nachrichten wie im Falle der Eleftherotipía, sehr weit greifende, aber extremst herrschaftskonforme, wie im Falle von Kathimeriní, relevante und schnelle, wie im Falle von To Vima und To Proto Thema, beides kritische Teile des Herrschaftsapparats, zu verbreiten und auch der i´tl „Community“ zur „Verfügung“ zu stellen.
Nachrichten, die aber für die internationale Linke wichtig sind, die schnell gelesen und schnell ausgewertet werden müssen, um darauf schnell zu reagieren- denn auf die griechischen GenossInnen in den verschiedenen Städten der verfaulten Länder/Gesellschaften Deutschlands und Österreichs kann man sich nicht immer verlassen – noch weniger auf die „einheimischen“, die oft reiner Quark sind. Und die nicht-griechischen GenossInnen verfügen in den seltensten Fällen über die erforderlichen griechischen Sprachkenntnisse, und schon kaum mal über die einschlägige juristische und Politterminologie.
Daher müßte man sich aus diesen ( z. T. bürgerlichen) Nachrichten etwas zusammenschneiden, und zwar regelmäßig, das wäre zuallererst Aufgabe einer übernationalen Koordination der Soli-Komitees.
Dem gesellt sich auf der kritischen, auf einer linksliberal-kritischen Seite, Keep Talking Greece mit:
„Athens: Two injured as riot police locks out university students (picts, video)“ (http://www.keeptalkinggreece.com/2014/11/13/athens-two-injured-as-riot-police-locks-out-university-students-picts-video/)
Dazu kommen hier einige sehr gute Photos (auf einem ist der Sprecher und bekannte Aktivist der KEERFA Petros Konstantinou zu sehen), sowie ein rhythmisch hervorragendes gestaltetets Videos des Feindsenders Russia Today.
Ansonsten ist die Berichterstattung von KTG bis dato (15. 11., 19 Uhr) nicht gerade ausgebreitet.
Griechenland-Blog bringt bezüglich rezente Repression bis dato (s. u.) nichts, vielleicht fällt ihnen noch was ein.
The Press Project (http://www.thepressproject.net) unterhält einen kleinen Teil seiner Nachrichten auf englisch: Riot police attack student protesters in Athens [videos] (http://www.thepressproject.net/article/69201/Riot-police-attack-student-protesters-in-Athens), und Links: Photo story: Scenes from the joint protest over education (http://www.thepressproject.net/article/68882/Photo-story-Scenes-from-the...), ‘Witch hunt’ to find person behind FB page coordinating student sit-ins (http://www.thepressproject.net/article/68845/Government-launches-witch-hunt-to-find-person-behind-the-facebook-page-coordinating-student-sit-ins) und: Greek secondary schools swept by wave of facebook-inspired student sit-ins (http://www.thepressproject.net/article/68787/Greek-secondary-schools-swept-by-wave-of-facebook-inspired-student-sit-ins)
Und libcom bringt zwei Artikel.
