Toxic Masculinity-How to Not

Toxic Masculinity-how to not become an toxic person in terms of masculinity (so called).

How to not become an toxic masculine individual must be a thread to conquer this in times of, still ongoing cultural attitudes which provokes toxic behaviors.

-This article should help everyone to fight toxic masculinity in its beginning.

-The first step should be an examination about how toxic masculinity is "produced" in everyday society.

-Last steps should include lessons for persons who could become toxic masculine, theres a bunch of this people even not knowing about.

-Feel free to join, as much as we talk about it, the more people need to focus it in everyday life, because toxic masculinity is in our everyday lifes.

-Hopefully this topic will find its way in environments where we can catch recipients, its not enough to discuss it in feministix groups.

--to be continued






(sry for bad english, but this must be understood worldwide)

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