World´s uprising - 15.10. - Fight for Köpi!


A paper calls out for action on 15.10 in Berlin, Germany:

on 15.10. from everywhere people coming to defend köpi and fight berlin!

then, when you never expect...

we will take the nights -
we will take the streets -
we will take the prisons if necessary -
we will take berlin

if we can not defend köpi - nobody gets nothing

one struggle - many fights

15.10 - berlin breakdown!

A paper calls out for action on 15.10 in Berlin, Germany:

on 15.10. from everywhere people coming to defend köpi and fight berlin!

then, when you never expect...

we will take the nights -
we will take the streets -
we will take the prisons if necessary -
we will take berlin

if we can not defend köpi - nobody gets nothing

one struggle - many fights

15.10 - berlin breakdown!

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