(Vienna) Action in Solidarity with Anarchists and Prisoners


(Vienna) Action in Solidarity with Anarchists and Prisoners

Solidarity with the Anarchists in Italy!
(< Italy : 9th-24th November, 2 weeks of mobilization in solidarity with the anarchists on trial > https://actforfree.nostate.net/?p=39682 < Brennero trial: 61 Comrades sentenced in #Italy > < ...Comrades have been sentenced to sentences ranging for the most part between 7 and 10 months of arrest or imprisonment for a total of approximately 37 years in prison.... > https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/11/20/brennero-trial-61-comrades-sente...)

Solidarity with the Anarchists in Salzburg!
(< [Update] Wieder mal: Repression gegen Anarchist_innen > https://emrawi.org/?Update-Wieder-mal-Repression-gegen-Anarchist_innen-1257)

Warm hugs to the two anarchists from Hamburg out of prison after 16 months!
(< End of the trial — two imprisoned comrades on the streets again! > https://parkbanksolidarity.blackblogs.org/end-of-the-trial-two-imprisone...)


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