Pride delivered to Erik Storch and Franz Richard Schrandt


On 22nd of July there was a far right attack on our community ( A bunch of young fascists from the Party "The Third Way" hung around CSD Berlin, harassing and threatening our siblings until we made them run.
Erik Storch was in command that day. In the last few years, he rose up to the position of the leader of the "national revolutionary youth" in Berlin and Brandenburg.
With him was Franz Richard Schrandt who took the same path from Division MOL to the Third Way youth. The lust for confrontation with political enemys they deem vulnerable or unarmed is a reoccurring pattern.
Both are avid supports of the football club BFC Dynamo that shows a concerning development as a recruiting ground for the Third Way.

They feel way safer than any fascist should ever do. We will take the safety from them, step by step.
On monday night we made sure to add to that and brought a little pride to them. Since then Erik Storch (Thulestr. 80) and Franz Richard Schrandt (Filehner Str. 86) are greeted by a giant prideflag whenever they leave the house.

We wont stop haunting you until every single one of you got what he deserves!

Queers bash back!

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