(ITALY) An important update regarding anarchist Alfredo Cospito: the re-examination hearing for the 41 bis measure will be held on December 1
Update on the situation of Alfredo Cospito, who has been on hunger strike since October 20 against the 41 bis and life sentence without possibility of parole.
Alfredo has lost 16 kilos to date and is in good health overall. He is not yet taking any food supplements. We also inform that the re-examination of the 41 bis measure against him has been set for December 1st. The hearing is very important as it will have to rule on the legitimacy of the decision of the previous minister of justice Marta Cartabia to apply the 41 bis prison regime against our comrade.
Note of “La Nemesi”: The hearing will almost certainly be held at the surveillance court in Rome, which has sole jurisdiction over the decision to ratify or terminate detention under the 41 bis regime.
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(IT) Un aggiornamento importante riguardo l’anarchico Alfredo Cospito: il 1° dicembre si terrà l’udienza di riesame per il provvedimento di 41 bis
(EN) An important update regarding anarchist Alfredo Cospito: the re-examination hearing for the 41 bis measure will be held on December 1 (Italy)