Repressionswelle in Russland
Im Moment findet eine Repressionswelle gegen verschiedene antifaschistische und anarchistische Strukturen in Russland statt. Der Vorwurf der Sicherheitsbehörden lautet auf Bildung einer rerroristischen Vereinigung. Das anarchist Black Cross St. Petersburg hat auf Facebook ein erstes Statement zu den Vorgägnen veröffentlicht. Die Cops gehen dabei mit aller Härte gegen die Betroffenen Personen vor, so gibt es Elektroschocks und weitere schwere Misshandlungen. Augenblicklich ist die Situation sehr unübersichtlich, allerdings herrscht große Verunsicherung unter den Aktivist*innen.
Heute findet in Russland eine größere Kundgebungen gegen die Regierung statt. Auch gegen Teilnehmer dieser Veranstaltungen läuft bereits die Repressionsmaschinerie an, so wurden schon über 90 Personen von den Bullen festgenommen.
Außerdem hat der Repressionsapparat in den letzten Wochen auch auf der Krim zugecshlagen und kriminalisiert Angehörige und Anwälte von Oppositionellen.
Text des ABC St. Petersburg, der auf Facebook veröffentlicht wurde:
In anticipation of the elections, the authorities once again activated the repressive machine that works against activists. In a few days our comrades were abducted by special services and tortured, activists' apartments were searched, many were interrogated. Acting against the laws, the FSS (Federal Security Service) is once again trying to knock out the evidence and fabricate more criminal cases, not embarrassed to use electric shockers, threat with physical violence and force them to memorize the text that later underlies the convictions. Anarchism is equated with terrorism, witnesses become accused persons, and activists become dangerous criminals. The case, which began in Penza in the fall of 2017, responds in repression in St. Petersburg in January 2018. In this situation, we need attention, caring for each other and solidarity. Several comrades required advocates whose services are not cheap. Anarchist Black Cross collects funds to support the victims of the next wave of state arbitrariness.
The situation with the detention of a certain terrorist community in St. Petersburg.
According to the investigators, unidentified persons, "sharing the anarchist ideology," belong to division of the terrorist community, which set itself the goal of terrorist activities, propaganda and the justification of terrorism.
Both Victor Filinkov and Igor Shishkin will spend about 2 months (until 23rd of March 2018) in the FSS (Federal Security Service) custody detention center. Secret services beat the testimony under torture.
In 2 (by some accounts, in 3 apartments) was a search followed by taken away equipment, those who present in the flats were interrogated.
Two person are targeted in the investigation as witnesses: Ilya Kapustin and Alexey R. They were tortured during interrogations. After interrogation Alexei asked for medical help. Ilya documented the beatings and he is planning to file an application for torture in the Investigation Committee.
According to unverified information, those who were detained / interrogated may be more for 1-2 people. It’s hardly possible to find out more information, because they could leave after torture, fearing for their lives or being detained.
All these "investigative actions", knocking out the testimony occurs within the framework of the case under article 205.4 part 2 of the Criminal Code (participation in the terrorist community) at the request of the court from Penza. Interrogations take place according to one scheme:
Ilya Kapustin:
"When I did not know the answers to some questions, for example, when I did not understand who or what I was asked about, they beat me with an electric shocker to the groin area or on the side of my stomach. They beat me with it making me to say that this or that friend of mine is going to arrange something dangerous."
Victor Filinkov:
"They took me out of town, beaten, cauterized with an electric shocker, demandeding to confess. I’ve answered that there is nothing to confess, then they forced me to learn" confessions ", they made me repeat it several times, then I was taken to the investigator ..."