Cracks in the concrete - Rally for the Day of Political Prisoners


Rally for the Day of Political Prisoners on the 18th of March 

Where: JVA Tübingen (near Doblerstraße)

When: 6 p.m., 18th of March 2021

The 18th of March is the International Day of Political Prisoners. We want to take this day as an occasion to show our anger and solidarity. Let us rise up against this system that imprisons those who question, criticise or oppose it! We call for you to send your regards to those incarcerated behind the cold, grey walls of prison to break up their dull routine for a short moment!



The antifascist Dy has been incarcerated in pretrial detention since the 4th of November 2020, first in Stuttgart-Stammheim and in Tübingen as of the 1st of February 2021.

Dy is one of the antifascists who were (and still are) subjects of repression since last summer. They are accused of being involved in a conflict with nazis. All in all ten flats were raided and two people await their trial in custody in this display of state violence. One of these indiscriminate raids took place here in Tübingen.

The afore mentioned raids of the 2nd of July 2020 as well as the incarcerations are governement-led attacks on the antifascist movement. For further information (in german) see: 


The 18th of March is the International Day of Political Prisoners. We want to take this day as an occasion to show our anger and solidarity. Let us rise up against this system that imprisons those who question, criticise or oppose it! We call for you to send your regards to those incarcerated behind the cold, grey walls of prison to break up their dull routine for a short moment!


The Tübingen prison mostly holds people awaiting their trial but also people awaiting deportation or people who could not afford to pay monetary fines – so mostly poeple who would not have been criminalized at all in a world without borders or capitalism.

In a liberated society however, prisons could not be a mean to exercise power over other people – many reasons of imprisonment nowadays would cease to exist: offenses aimed at making money; deportations; being imprisoned for the inability to pay fees, just to name a few.

The myth of prisoners leaving the violent system that is prison as "resocialized better persons" is an aberration. Being deprived of one‘s freedom is one of the most inhuman ways of controlling and disciplining other human beings and often yields the oppsite results of the supposed "resocialization". 

Therefore our utopia is a world without prisons! 


We won‘t be intimidated by a state that imprisons revolutionaries and antifascists, that drowns leftist movements in repression and tries to silence us like that. Instead we will continue our struggle for a solidary and liberated society with double the effort. Now more than ever!

We stand together in solidarity and let state repression miss its mark!


Two days after the rally in Tübingen, on the 20th of March 2021, an interregional demonstration in solidarity with the antifascists Lina, Jo and Dy will take place in Stuttgart, it starts at 2 p.m. at the train station. The demonstration is directed against the state attacks on the antifascist movement in general but is also situated in the context of the Day of Political Prisoners. We will travel there together from Tübingen and meet up at 12.45 p.m. at the train station. We see our rally on the 18th of March as a complementary display of solidarity here in Tübingen.


Let us show the people in prison: We think of you and stand by your side!


Until all are free, no one is free!



PS: Wear a mask and leave your party flags at home



For further general critique of the prison see this collection of articles:,,,,



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