Liebig34 never Rest in Peace!

First and foremost, Liebig would like to express gratitude for all the support we received before, during, and after eviction. We are so thankful and overwhelmed by the solidarity shown, not only in Berlin but across Germany and internationally!

Liebig 34 might have been taken from us,but we are still and will always be Liebig 34and when we said "Liebig Bleibt" we meant it.We will continue as Libeig 34, with or without the shelter of that address, because we were always more than that.  Before eviction, we had taken the chance to incorporate the concepts of anarchism, feminism, and queerness into our everyday lives, and it was a constant effort where we actively made space for each other to try, or fail and try again.   We will forever be fighting for feminism from a queer, anarchist perspective. Now we have to figure out how to do that without the praxis of our shared home;How we can make and hold space to integrate these concepts in a way that permeates into something bigger than just the individuals of the collective.
    This process has been especially difficult to navigate during times of a pandemic and Covid cases rising daily. The absolute cruelty from the state to allow so many people to be thrown out of their home during such a time cannot be ignored. As we try to maintain safety measures and precautions, organizing safely and effectively has proven to be more difficult than we could have ever predicted.
    We were evicted from our house, but we will never be forced from our community, and we will remain a threat to the systemBut while we recuperate and re-adapt, we must figure out how to stick together after being ripped apart. We know it will be imperfect, but holding the space to be imperfect in this effort is part of what makes it Liebig34 collective!
    We still grieve the loss of our home, but we will never rest in peace.We know there are new things we can create and a new potential of what we can achieve together,outside of the patriarchy and without cis-men.Now more than ever, we are more than a house, we are a movement!      
    You can't evict a movement!    You can't evict a heart!          


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