Infoevent Tameio - Prisoner Solidarity Fund

Event Datum: 
Montag, November 18, 2019 - 19:00
Presentation about Athens Tameio - Prisoner Solidarity Fund from Greece.

The “Solidarity fund for imprisoned and persecuted militants” from Greece was established in 2010. Since the start of solidarity fund, the most important purpose of this structure was to ensure decent living conditions for the imprisoned comrades, through a process that would take place within the political movement; thereby taking the material dimension of solidarity one step beyond family and close friendly/comrade relationships. Besides that, among the priorities of the people who are part of the Solidarity Fund, remain the practical solidarity actions, building communication bridges between people inside prison and those outside, and the development of united struggles inside and outside prison walls.

The talk will be about the political climate related to political prisoners in Greek prisons, the historical time-line of the solidarity fund, what we have done, what we are  currently busy with and what our future steps will be.

Any income from the event will be given to the solidarity fund for the material support of prisoners and persecuted militants.



Monday, 18th Nov.
7 pm.

Reichenberger Str. 58
Berlin Kreuzberg

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